Saturday, November 10, 2007

I think I'm done

Sometimes I really know when a piece has all of its parts. This one has been bugging me. One of the things I have been enjoying about my new venture into art, is the fact that my writing has inspired some of my art and, as is the case this time, the art inspires the writing. I didn't like her floating and I've spent days agonizing over what to put beneath to anchor her. This morning, Eureka!. I cut the bottom off. This feels like metaphore. Something is still nagging me, but, just for today, I pronounce this done until the muse or my subconscious can tell me plainly what else she wants. It seems that, maybe for the first time since I've started on my art journey, I realize that I'm not just painting and pasting. This time, it's personal.


Laura Bray said...

This is really beautiful-the writing really finishes the piece.

Patience-please said...

Personal art, like personal writing, is the most moving. The most powerful. It may be interpreted differently by those who encounter it, but I believe that when it comes from our center it carries more truth.
Very nice piece!

Flea Market Queen said...


Michelle Frae Cummings said...

It looks good! the writing completes it!