Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In the mind of a valentine...

Due to a very sad change of plans today, I had some time to while away on art. Awhile back, I took a picture of me blowing kisses to send to my grand babies. I opened that picture today because I was sending it to one of the little sweeties. Then, you all know how this goes, I started fooling with it, then I started thinking about Valentines, making Valentines, look at that heart shaped face, needs to be pink/red for a Valentine, hmmm, I wonder...

what would happen if I did this, then this, oh now this...yes, cut it into a heart...scan...back into photos...too bad Photo Shop refuses to work ever since you upgraded the operating system, why can't you figure it out? maybe it's too old to be compatible, geeze that means buying a new version... wait! remember that little program you once got for free, magic hat, magic trick or something, where is that, look in applications... Ok...there it is! Let's see, oh! look what it does, forgot all about this, oooh, look at this one, checker board, hey can a star look like a kiss streaming out? No, it looks like a star. Ok, but it's still cool. Hey, maybe you can show this to the bloggers,

go ahead, you know you want to. Ok, ok, let's see...Firefox...Blogs....Art From Trails End, is that trails as in more than one or do you need an apostrophe like the end of the trail? ...upload photos, browse...ummm...what? Oh, the sad event? Daughter sick, cancels business appointment, baby stays home...oh sure, it's also sad because is daughter is sick...of course...just a bug, better tomorrow...are you sure...we could worry...hmmm


Alison Gibbs said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments.
Great heart photo.
Sometimes I think these programs we get for our computers end up being too hard to use or bother to work out.
Looks good anyway.

Laura Bray said...

No worrying-on the road to recovery. Showed Olivia this picture. Didn't get it via email though. Why do have such trouble between our computers?

reinaswan said...
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reinaswan said...

I love you blowing kisses it is so sweet. The last blog could be your tribute to CNY, or some of your beautiful poems. You have the true gift of writing.

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

Don't you just love photo shop?

Tara said...

This is neat, I like your photo!